We asked women business leaders what Count Her In means to them

It’s International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is Count Her In: Kochies Business Builders asked female founders, women in business and business leaders  what the theme means for them. Read below what Patricia said.

Patricia Garcia, Director, Your Vision Financial Solutions

International Women’s Day (IWD) symbolises the ongoing journey towards equality, recognising the achievements of women across various spheres while acknowledging the challenges that still persist in achieving gender equality. It’s a day to reflect on progress, call for change, and celebrate the vital role women play in every aspect of society.

This year’s theme, “Count Her In,” emphasises the importance of inclusivity and the active participation of women in all areas of life, advocating for equal opportunities in the workforce. It calls for a collective effort to dismantle barriers, whether they’re societal, economic, or political, that hinder women’s full and effective participation.

In the fight for women, actions can include:

  • Offering guidance, mentorship, and support to women in their professional and personal development. This can help empower women to achieve their potential and aspire to leadership roles.

  • Raising awareness about the issues women face, such as the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership, and gender-based violence. Advocacy can influence policy changes and societal attitudes.

  • Actively creating and promoting opportunities for women in all fields, especially in areas where they are underrepresented, such as leadership and entrepreneurship.

  • Working towards creating safe, inclusive, and respectful environments in workplaces and communities where women can thrive without fear of discrimination or harassment.

  • Supporting businesses, projects, and initiatives led by women through investment and collaboration.

  • Providing education and resources that empower women to make informed decisions about their health, finances, and rights.

  • Building networks and communities that connect women with resources, opportunities, and each other, fostering a sense of solidarity and support.

  • Advocating for policies and practices that promote work-life balance, recognising the caregiving responsibilities many women hold and supporting them in managing these dual roles effectively.

As a female adviser and a member of the Financial Advice Association Australia, I am involved and very supportive of the Inspire Community, which focuses on bringing women together, attracting women to our profession and fostering a supportive community.. I am personally passionate about empowering women through financial advice and education and contribute back by providing pro bono advice and implementing a charity commitment in my business where 1% of profit each year goes to charities that support women. Additionally, I mentor young women within my profession and those who work for me.

Serving on the Board of the Financial Advice Association Australia and running my own business has positioned me as a go-to source for other women in my profession who approach me for mentorship and guidance. I love to help where I can and am often guiding and providing advice to young ladies entering the profession or making the leap into business ownership or advisory roles.

This International Women’s Day, let’s recommit to the principles of inclusivity, support, and empowerment. By “Counting Her In,” we not only celebrate the achievements of women but also pave the way for a more equitable and just future for all.


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